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=='''Scientists & Research Staff'''==
=='''Scientists & Research Staff'''==
{|border="0"  width="600"
{|border="0"  width="1080"
|align="center"|[[people:IS_Lee|<big>'''Insuk Lee'''</big>]]
<!-- width=160px; 로 정렬했음. -->
|align="center"|[[people:SM_Yang|<big>'''Sunmo Yang'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[people:IS_Lee|<big>'''Insuk Lee'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[people:EJ_Choi|<big>'''Eunjung Choi'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[people:SM_Yang|<big>'''Sunmo Yang'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:NY_Kim|<big>'''Nayeon Kim'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:SB_Baek|<big>'''Seungbyn Baek'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:IS_Choi|<big>'''Ilseok Choi'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Jun_Hyung_Cha|<big>'''Jun Hyung Cha'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Junyeong_Ma|<big>'''Junyeong Ma'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Hanjune_Kim|<big>'''Hanjune Kim'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[people:IS_Lee|Principal Investigator<br/>Professor<br/>]]
<!-- 과정, 파트, 입학연도 사이에 줄바꿈 태그 (<br/>) 필수 -->
|align="center"|[[people:IS_Lee|Principal Investigator<br/>Professor]]
|align="center"|[[people:SM_Yang|Bioinformatics<br/>Programmer<br/>& Sys. Admin]]
|align="center"|[[people:SM_Yang|Bioinformatics<br/>Programmer<br/>& Sys. Admin]]
|align="center"|[[people:EJ_Choi|Administrative Assistant]]
|align="center"|[[People:NY_Kim|Postdoc Fellow<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>]]
|align="center"|[[People:SB_Baek|Postdoc Fellow<br/>(Single-cell Biology)<br/>]]
|align="center"|[[People:IS_Choi|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2020.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Jun_Hyung_Cha|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2020.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Junyeong_Ma|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2021.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Hanjune_Kim|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2021.3 - )]]
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=='''Graduate Students'''==
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|align="center"|[[File:Bsb pic 2.jpg|70px|link=People:SB_Baek]]
|align="center"|[[People:S_Lee|<big>'''Sungho Lee'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Euijeong_Sung|<big>'''Euijeong Sung'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:JH_Cha|<big>'''Junha Cha'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Sehun_Ahn|<big>'''Sehun Ahn'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:NY_Kim|<big>'''Nayeon Kim'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:WonJong_Kim|<big>'''Wonjong Kim'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:SB_Baek|<big>'''Seungbyn Baek'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Jungyeon_Kim|<big>'''Jungyeon Kim'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Yerin_Kim|<big>'''Yerin Kim'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Yurim_Jung|<big>'''Yurim Jung'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Hae_Been_lee|<big>'''Hae Been Lee'''</big>]]
|width=160px; align="center"|[[People:Sebin_Lim|<big>'''Sebin Lim'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:S_Lee|Ph.D candidate (Microbiome)<br/>(2017.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Euijeong_Sung|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2021.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:JH_Cha|Integrated Ph.D course (Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2019.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Sehun_Ahn|Ph.D candidate<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2022.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:NY_Kim|Integrated Ph.D course (Microbiome)<br/>(2019.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:WonJong_Kim|Master course<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2023.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:SB_Baek|Integrated Ph.D course (Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2019.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Jungyeon_Kim|Integrated<br/>Ph.D course<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2023.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Yerin_Kim|Integrated<br/>Ph.D course<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2024.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[File:KakaoTalk 20200914 132021053.jpg|70px|link=People:IS_Choi]]
|align="center"|[[People:Yurim_Jung|Integrated<br/>Ph.D course<br/>(Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2024.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[File:chajh profile.jpg|70px|link=People:Junhyeong_Cha]]
|align="center"|[[People:Hae_Been_lee|Integrated<br/>Ph.D course<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2024.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[File:KakaoTalk 20210225 184422243.jpg|70px|link=People:Junyeong_Ma]]
|align="center"|[[People:Sebin_Lim|Integrated<br/>Ph.D course<br/>(Microbiome)<br/>(2025.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:IS_Choi|<big>'''Ilseok Choi'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Junhyeong_Cha|<big>'''Junhyeong Cha'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Junyeong_Ma|<big>'''Junyeong Ma'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Hanjune_Kim|<big>'''Hanjune Kim'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:IS_Choi|Integrated Ph.D course (Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2020.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Junhyeong_Cha|Integrated Ph.D course (Microbiome)<br/>(2020.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Junyeong_Ma|Integrated Ph.D course (Microbiome)<br/>(2021.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Hanjune_Kim|Integrated Ph.D course (Microbiome)<br/>(2021.3 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Jiwon_Yu|<big>'''Jiwon Yu'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Euijeong_Sung|<big>'''Euijeong Sung'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Sehun_Ahn|<big>'''Sehun Ahn'''</big>]]
|align="center"|[[People:Jiwon_Yu|MEng course (Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2021.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Euijeong_Sung|Integrated Ph.D course (Single-cell Biology)<br/>(2021.9 - )]]
|align="center"|[[People:Sehun_Ahn|Integrated Ph.D course (Microbiome)<br/>(2022.3 - )]]
=='''Administrative Assistant'''==
*Hyuna Kim
=='''Undergraduate Students'''==
=='''Undergraduate Students'''==
*Jun Hyeong Kim
*Zunu An
*Sungchul Yang
*Hyojung Lee
*Jongbin Jeong
*Ji-Eun Kim
*Young Ji Roh
*'''Former Post-docs and Staff Scientists'''
*'''Former Post-docs and Staff Scientists'''
**Taeyun Oh (2009.5-2011.12), currently Deputy Principal Consultant (인실리코젠 생명정보분석컨설턴트), [http://www.insilicogen.com INSILICOGEN], Korea   
**1. Taeyun Oh (2009.5-2011.12), currently Senior Researcher at Cowellbiogim, Korea   
**Sohyun Hwang (2010.3-2015.8), currently Assistant Professor (차의과대학 의과학과 교수), [https://grad.cha.ac.kr/%ed%99%a9%ec%86%8c%ed%98%84/ Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University], Korea [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=z5yC9cwAAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar]
**2. Sohyun Hwang (2010.3-2015.8), currently Professor at [https://grad.cha.ac.kr/%ed%99%a9%ec%86%8c%ed%98%84/ Department of Biomedical Science, CHA University], Korea [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=z5yC9cwAAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar] (차의과대학 의과학과 교수)
**Samuel Beck (2011.2-2011.12), currently Assistant Professor of Computational Biology, The Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory, Maine, USA (미국 MDI 생명과학연구소 교수), [https://mdibl.org/faculty/sam-beck-ph-d/ Lab Homepage]
**3. Samuel Beck (2011.2-2011.12), currently Associate Professor at Boston University, USA, [https://beck310.wixsite.com/becklab Lab Homepage] (미 보스턴 대학교 부교수)
**Jawon Song (2011.1-2012.5), currently Research Associate (미국 텍사스슈퍼컴퓨팅센터 선임연구원), [https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/about/directory/jawon-song Texas Advanced Computing Center], Austin, TX, USA [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wv61wGoAAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar]
**4. Jawon Song (2011.1-2012.5), currently Research Associate at [https://www.tacc.utexas.edu/about/directory/jawon-song Texas Advanced Computing Center], Austin, TX, USA [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wv61wGoAAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar] (미국 텍사스슈퍼컴퓨팅센터 선임연구원)
**Yoonhee Ko (2012.8-2014.2), currently Assistant Professor (한국외국어대 바이오공학과 교수), [https://hufsbiomed.weebly.com/ Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies], Korea [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GBxCYX8AAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar]
**5. Yoonhee Ko (2012.8-2014.2), currently Associate Professor at [https://hufsbiomed.weebly.com/ Department of Biomedical Engineering, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies], Korea [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GBxCYX8AAAAJ&hl=en Google Scholar] (한국외국어대 바이오공학과 교수)
**Jonghoon Lee (2013.10-2014.2), currently Assistant Professor (차의과대학 식품생명공학과 교수), [http://fsb.cha.ac.kr/ Department of Food Science and Biotechnology, CHA University], Korea  
**6. Jonghoon Lee (2013.10-2014.2), currently Professor at [https://www.gachon.ac.kr/foodbiotech/6142/subview.do Department of Food Biotechnology, Gachon University], Korea (가천대학교 식품생명공학과 교수)
**Jung Eun Shim (2009.8-2017.11), currently Researcher at Yonsei Genomics Center Bioinformatics Data Analysis Core (연세의료원 유전체센터 생명정보분석코어 책임연구원)
**7. Jung Eun Shim (2009.8-2017.11), currently Staff Scientist at Yonsei Genomics Center Bioinformatics Data Analysis Core (연세의료원 유전체센터 생명정보분석코어 책임연구원)
*'''Former Graduate Students (Ph.D)'''
*'''Former Graduate Students (Ph.D)'''
**Junha Shin (2008.9-2014.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow, University of Wisconsin-Madison (미국 위스콘신주립대 박사후연구원), USA [https://roylab.discovery.wisc.edu/ Roy Lab]
**1. Junha Shin (2008.9-2014.2), PhD; currently Scientist I at [https://wid.wisc.edu/people/junha-shin/ Wisconsin Institute for Discovery], USA  (미국 위스콘신 대학연구소 연구원)
**Hanhae Kim (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Associate Research Fellow (한국과학기술기획평가원 부연구위원), [http://www.kistep.re.kr Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)]
**2. Hanhae Kim (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Research Fellow at  [http://www.kistep.re.kr Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)] (한국과학기술기획평가원 연구위원)
**Ara Cho (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Associate Research Fellow (한국과학기술기획평가원 부연구위원), [http://www.kistep.re.kr Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)]
**3. Ara Cho (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Research Fellow at [http://www.kistep.re.kr Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP)] (한국과학기술기획평가원 연구위원)
**Eiru Kim (2010.9-2016.8), PhD; currently Senior Expert in Data Science, [https://www.gnf.org/ The Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation], San Diego, USA (노바티스 선임데이터분석연구원)
**4. Eiru Kim (2010.9-2016.8), PhD; currently Senior Expert in Data Science, [https://www.gnf.org/ The Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation], San Diego, USA (노바티스 선임데이터분석연구원)
**Tak Lee (2011.3-2017.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow, Sainsbury Laboratory at University of Cambridge, UK (영국 케임브리지대학 박사후연구원) [https://www.slcu.cam.ac.uk/research/oldroyd-group Oldroyd Lab]  
**5. Tak Lee (2011.3-2017.2), PhD; currently Senior Bioinformatician, [https://www.mpipz.mpg.de/en Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research] (독일 막스플랭크 연구소 선임생명정보학자)
**Heonjong Han (2013.3~2019.8), PhD; currently Bioinformatics engineer at [https://3billion.io/ 3billion] (헬스케어스타트업 데이터사이언티스트)
**6. Heonjong Han (2013.3~2019.8), PhD; currently Bioinformatics engineer at [https://3billion.io/ 3billion] (바이오기업 데이터사이언티스트)
**Kyungsoo Kim (2013.3~2020.2), PhD; currently Research Professor at Severance Hospital (강남세브란스의료원 유방암센터 연구교수)
**7. Kyungsoo Kim (2013.3~2020.2), PhD; currently Research Professor at Severance Hospital (강남세브란스의료원 유방암센터 연구교수)
**Jae-Won Cho (2016.9~2021.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at Harvard Medical School (하버드의대 박사후 연구원) [https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=H4jO_DQAAAAJ&hl=en Hemberg Lab]  
**8. Jae-Won Cho (2016.9~2021.2), PhD; currently Assistant Professor at [https://ibb.hanyang.ac.kr/ Hanyang Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology] (한양대학교 한양생명과학기술원 조교수)
**Chan Yeong Kim (2015.3~2021.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg (유럽연합분자생물학연구소 박사후 연구원) [http://www.bork.embl.de/j/ Bork Group]
**9. Chan Yeong Kim (2015.3~2021.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg [http://www.bork.embl.de/j/ Bork Group] (유럽연합분자생물학연구소 박사후 연구원)
**10. Sungho Lee (2017.3-2024.2), PhD; currently Data Scientist at [http://www.mogam.re.kr/kor/ MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research] (목암생명과학연구소, (주)녹십자 출연 연구소, 선임연구원)
**11. Junha Cha (2019.9-2025.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University, [https://dna-discovery.stanford.edu/ Prof. Hanlee P. Ji Lab](미국 스탠퍼드대학교 박사후연구원)
**12. Nayeon Kim (2019.9-2025.2), PhD;
**13. Seungbyn Baek (2019.9-2025.2), PhD;
*'''Former Graduate Students (Master's degree)'''
*'''Former Graduate Students (Master's degree)'''
**Sun-Gou Ji (2009.9-2011.8), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Cambridge (Sanger Genome center); currently Associate Director, Statistical Genetics at [https://bridgebio.com/ BridgeBio], USA (미 바이오기업 기술이사)
**1. Sun-Gou Ji (2009.9-2011.8), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Cambridge (Sanger Genome center); currently Vice President, Computational Genetics at [https://bridgebio.com/ BridgeBio Pharma], Boston, USA (미 바이오기업 부대표)
**Hyojin Kim (2013.3-2015.2), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Aachen; currently Computational Scientist, Uniklinikum Aachen (the university hospital of the city of Aachen), Germany (독일 아헨대학병원 데이터사이언티스트)
**2. Hyojin Kim (2013.3-2015.2), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Aachen; currently Scientist at Bayer, Germany [https://www.linkedin.com/in/hyojin-kim-b3bb711ab Linkedin] (독일 바이엘 제약회사 선임 연구원)  
**Hongseok Shim (2013.9-2015.8), M.Eng.; currently PhD student, Arizona State University, Biomedical Informatics program (애리조나주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
**3. Hongseok Shim (2013.9-2015.8), M.Eng.; currently PhD student, Arizona State University, Biomedical Informatics program (애리조나주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
**Sunmo Yang (2014.9-2017.2), M.Eng. currently Bioinformatics programmer, Yonsei University (연세대 네트워크생명공학 연구실 책임데이터연구원)
**4. Sunmo Yang (2014.9-2017.2), M.Eng. currently Bioinformatics programmer, Yonsei University (연세대 네트워크생명공학 연구실 책임데이터연구원)
**Muyoung Lee (2016.3-2018.2), M.Eng. currently PhD student, University of Texas at Austin, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (텍사스주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
**5. Muyoung Lee (2016.3-2018.2), M.Eng. currently PhD student, University of Texas at Austin, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (텍사스주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
**6. Jiwon Yu (2021.9-2023.8), M.Eng. currently Data Scientist at [https://www.samsungbioepis.com/kr/index.do SAMSUNG BIOEPIS] (삼성바이오에피스 데이터사이언티스트)
**7. Geon_Koh (2022.9-2025.2), M.Eng.
*'''Former Visiting Scientists/Students'''
*'''Former Visiting Scientists/Students'''
**Minkyung Shin (2012.3-2012.7), went to University of Southern California graduate school  
**1. Minkyung Shin (2012.3-2012.7), went to University of Southern California graduate school  
**Paul Chung (2012 summer), currently E-Commerce Analyst/Coordinator at [http://www.riotgames.com/ Riot Games], USA
**2. Paul Chung (2012 summer), currently E-Commerce Analyst/Coordinator at [http://www.riotgames.com/ Riot Games], USA
**Hyunjin Cho (2014 summer), currently Bioinformatics research assistant at [http://www.libd.org/ The Lieber Institute for Brain Development | LIBD], USA
**3. Hyunjin Cho (2014 summer), currently Bioinformatics research assistant at [http://www.libd.org/ The Lieber Institute for Brain Development | LIBD], USA
**Michael Chung (2016.8-2016.12), currently work at [https://www.facebook.com/ Facebook], USA
**4. Michael Chung (2016.8-2016.12), currently work at [https://about.meta.com/ Meta], USA
*'''Former Undergraduate Students'''
*'''Former Undergraduate Students'''
**1. Ila Shin, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
**1. Ila Shin, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.) Currently Professor, Kyunghee University School of Medicine (경희대학교 의과대학 교수)
**2. Yoonkyung Ko
**2. Yoonkyung Ko
**3. Sangyo Park, went to law school (Kyounghee Univ.)
**3. Sangyo Park, went to law school (Kyounghee Univ.)
Line 111: Line 116:
**7. Myungwhan Lee, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
**7. Myungwhan Lee, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
**8. Moonhee Lee, went to graduate school (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
**8. Moonhee Lee, went to graduate school (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
**9. Jinhyun Ju, went to graduate school (Cornell Medical School, Computational Systems Biology); Currently Bioinformatics Scientist, [https://guardanthealth.com/ Guardant Health] San Diego, USA (미 바이오기업 선임연구원)
**9. Jinhyun Ju, went to graduate school (Cornell Medical School, Computational Systems Biology); Currently Principal Computational Biologist, Cancer Genomics at [https://bridgebio.com/ BridgeBio Pharma], Seattle, USA (미 바이오기업 선임연구원)
**10. Haeyoung Shin, went to graduate school (Brown University, Computational Neuroscience)
**10. Haeyoung Shin, went to graduate school (Brown University, Computational Neuroscience); Currently Professor, Seoul National University (서울대학교 생명과학부 교수)  
**11. Joonghee Soh, went to graduate school (KAIST, Culture Technology)
**11. Joonghee Soh, went to graduate school (KAIST, Culture Technology)
**12. Hee Jung Cho, went to graduate school (UC Berkeley)  
**12. Hee Jung Cho, went to graduate school (UC Berkeley)  
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**54. Hyuki Lee (2020 winter)
**54. Hyuki Lee (2020 winter)
**55. Donghwan Lee (2020 winter)
**55. Donghwan Lee (2020 winter)
**56. Junhyung Cha (2020 spring, summer)
**56. Jun Hyung Cha (2020 spring, summer)
**57. Jiwon Yu (2020 summer, 2021 Spring, summer)
**57. Jiwon Yu (2020 summer, 2021 Spring, summer)
**58. Dong Seok Kim (2020 summer)
**58. Dong Seok Kim (2020 summer)
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**71. Hoyong Jung (2021 Summer)
**71. Hoyong Jung (2021 Summer)
**72. Ingyeong Koh (2021 Summer)
**72. Ingyeong Koh (2021 Summer)
**73. Jun Hyeong Kim (2022 Winter, Spring)
**73. Jongbin Jeong (2022 Winter)
**74. Sungchul Yang (2022 Winter, Spring)
**74. Sungchul Yang (2022 Winter, Spring, Summer)
**75. Hyojung Lee (2022 Winter, Spring)
**75. Hyojung Lee (2022 Winter, Spring)
**76. Jongbin Jeong (2022 Winter, Spring)
**76. Jun Hyeong Kim (2022 Winter, Spring)
**77. Ji-Eun Kim (2022 Spring)
**77. Young Ji Roh (2022 Spring, Summer)
**78. Young Ji Roh (2022 Spring)
**78. Geon Koh (2022 Spring, Summer)
**79. Hayoung Kang (2022 Summer, 2023 Spring)
**80. Won Jong Kim (2022 Summer, Fall, 2023 Winter)
**81. Christian Lee (2022 Summer)
**82. Je Yun Kang (2022 Summer)
**83. Sumin Lee (2022 Fall)
**84. Jungyeon Kim (2022 Fall, 2023 Winter)
**85. Seol Song (2023 Winter)
**86. Soyeon Kim (2023 Summer)
**87. Sieun Park (2023 Summer)
**88. Gunhyeong Lee (2023 Summer)
**89. Yunseo Han (2023 Summer)
**90. Jae Hyun Kim (2023 Summer)
**91. Jeong-min Seo (2023 Summer)
**92. Yerin Kim (2023 Fall, 2024 Winter)
**93. Sang Min Park (2024 Winter)
**94. Minsun Seo (2024 Winter)
**95. Jaeryun Sim (2024 Winter)
**96. Sun Min Lim (2024 Winter)
**97. Yurim Jung (2024 Spring, Summer)
**98. Hae Been Lee (2024 Spring, Summer)
**99. Zunu An (2024 Summer, Fall, 2025 Winter)
**100. Se Bin Lim (2024 Summer, Fall, 2025 Winter)
**101. Sang Min Yoon (2024 Summer)
**102. Yena Kim (2024 Summer)
**103. Kang Eon Lee (2024 Fall)
**104. Soyoon Park (2025 Winter)
**105. Sojung Lee (2025 Winter)
**106. Leanne Ma (2025 Winter)

Latest revision as of 12:54, 7 March 2025

[edit] Scientists & Research Staff

Prof Insuk fixed.png SM fixed.png Nayeon fixed.png Seungbyn fixed.png Ilseok fixed.png JunHyeong fixed.png JunYeong fixed.png Hanjune fixed.png
Insuk Lee Sunmo Yang Nayeon Kim Seungbyn Baek Ilseok Choi Jun Hyung Cha Junyeong Ma Hanjune Kim
Principal Investigator
& Sys. Admin
Postdoc Fellow
Postdoc Fellow
(Single-cell Biology)
Ph.D candidate
(Single-cell Biology)
(2020.9 - )
Ph.D candidate
(2020.9 - )
Ph.D candidate
(2021.3 - )
Ph.D candidate
(2021.3 - )
EuiJeong fixed.png Sehun fixed.png Wonjong fixed.png Jungyeon fixed.png Yerin fixed.png YurimJung fixed.jpg HaeBeen fixed.jpg Sebin fixed.jpg
Euijeong Sung Sehun Ahn Wonjong Kim Jungyeon Kim Yerin Kim Yurim Jung Hae Been Lee Sebin Lim
Ph.D candidate
(Single-cell Biology)
(2021.9 - )
Ph.D candidate
(2022.3 - )
Master course
(2023.3 - )
Ph.D course
(2023.3 - )
Ph.D course
(2024.3 - )
Ph.D course
(Single-cell Biology)
(2024.9 - )
Ph.D course
(2024.9 - )
Ph.D course
(2025.3 - )

[edit] Administrative Assistant

  • Hyuna Kim

[edit] Undergraduate Students

  • Zunu An

[edit] Alumni

  • Former Graduate Students (Ph.D)
    • 1. Junha Shin (2008.9-2014.2), PhD; currently Scientist I at Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, USA (미국 위스콘신 대학연구소 연구원)
    • 2. Hanhae Kim (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Research Fellow at Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) (한국과학기술기획평가원 연구위원)
    • 3. Ara Cho (2009.9-2015.2), PhD; currently Research Fellow at Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning (KISTEP) (한국과학기술기획평가원 연구위원)
    • 4. Eiru Kim (2010.9-2016.8), PhD; currently Senior Expert in Data Science, The Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation, San Diego, USA (노바티스 선임데이터분석연구원)
    • 5. Tak Lee (2011.3-2017.2), PhD; currently Senior Bioinformatician, Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research (독일 막스플랭크 연구소 선임생명정보학자)
    • 6. Heonjong Han (2013.3~2019.8), PhD; currently Bioinformatics engineer at 3billion (바이오기업 데이터사이언티스트)
    • 7. Kyungsoo Kim (2013.3~2020.2), PhD; currently Research Professor at Severance Hospital (강남세브란스의료원 유방암센터 연구교수)
    • 8. Jae-Won Cho (2016.9~2021.2), PhD; currently Assistant Professor at Hanyang Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (한양대학교 한양생명과학기술원 조교수)
    • 9. Chan Yeong Kim (2015.3~2021.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg Bork Group (유럽연합분자생물학연구소 박사후 연구원)
    • 10. Sungho Lee (2017.3-2024.2), PhD; currently Data Scientist at MOGAM Institute for Biomedical Research (목암생명과학연구소, (주)녹십자 출연 연구소, 선임연구원)
    • 11. Junha Cha (2019.9-2025.2), PhD; currently Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University, Prof. Hanlee P. Ji Lab(미국 스탠퍼드대학교 박사후연구원)
    • 12. Nayeon Kim (2019.9-2025.2), PhD;
    • 13. Seungbyn Baek (2019.9-2025.2), PhD;
  • Former Graduate Students (Master's degree)
    • 1. Sun-Gou Ji (2009.9-2011.8), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Cambridge (Sanger Genome center); currently Vice President, Computational Genetics at BridgeBio Pharma, Boston, USA (미 바이오기업 부대표)
    • 2. Hyojin Kim (2013.3-2015.2), M.Eng.; PhD from University of Aachen; currently Scientist at Bayer, Germany Linkedin (독일 바이엘 제약회사 선임 연구원)
    • 3. Hongseok Shim (2013.9-2015.8), M.Eng.; currently PhD student, Arizona State University, Biomedical Informatics program (애리조나주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
    • 4. Sunmo Yang (2014.9-2017.2), M.Eng. currently Bioinformatics programmer, Yonsei University (연세대 네트워크생명공학 연구실 책임데이터연구원)
    • 5. Muyoung Lee (2016.3-2018.2), M.Eng. currently PhD student, University of Texas at Austin, Cellular and Molecular Biology Program (텍사스주립대 생물정보학 박사과정)
    • 6. Jiwon Yu (2021.9-2023.8), M.Eng. currently Data Scientist at SAMSUNG BIOEPIS (삼성바이오에피스 데이터사이언티스트)
    • 7. Geon_Koh (2022.9-2025.2), M.Eng.
  • Former Visiting Scientists/Students
    • 1. Minkyung Shin (2012.3-2012.7), went to University of Southern California graduate school
    • 2. Paul Chung (2012 summer), currently E-Commerce Analyst/Coordinator at Riot Games, USA
    • 3. Hyunjin Cho (2014 summer), currently Bioinformatics research assistant at The Lieber Institute for Brain Development | LIBD, USA
    • 4. Michael Chung (2016.8-2016.12), currently work at Meta, USA
  • Former Undergraduate Students
    • 1. Ila Shin, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.) Currently Professor, Kyunghee University School of Medicine (경희대학교 의과대학 교수)
    • 2. Yoonkyung Ko
    • 3. Sangyo Park, went to law school (Kyounghee Univ.)
    • 4. Jayoon Shin, went to medical school (Pusan National Univ.)
    • 5. Dongjoo Sun, went to dental school (Wongwang Univ.)
    • 6. Eulsoo Kim
    • 7. Myungwhan Lee, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
    • 8. Moonhee Lee, went to graduate school (University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
    • 9. Jinhyun Ju, went to graduate school (Cornell Medical School, Computational Systems Biology); Currently Principal Computational Biologist, Cancer Genomics at BridgeBio Pharma, Seattle, USA (미 바이오기업 선임연구원)
    • 10. Haeyoung Shin, went to graduate school (Brown University, Computational Neuroscience); Currently Professor, Seoul National University (서울대학교 생명과학부 교수)
    • 11. Joonghee Soh, went to graduate school (KAIST, Culture Technology)
    • 12. Hee Jung Cho, went to graduate school (UC Berkeley)
    • 13. TaeHwan Kim, went to medical school
    • 14. Joohyung Kim, went to medical school (Kyungpook National Univ.)
    • 15. Donghyun Shin, went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
    • 16. Byunghee Kang (2015 spring - 2016 summer), went to graduate school (PosTech)
    • 17. Sunphil Kim (2016 winter)
    • 18. Jaeho Shim (2016 winter)
    • 19. Seunghyun Shin (2016 spring)
    • 20. Aejoo Hong (2016 spring)
    • 21. Changbae Bang (2016 summer), went to medical school (Yonsei Univ.)
    • 22. Seoyoung Choi (2016 summer)
    • 23. Dabin Jung (2016 summer)
    • 24. Boreum Nam (2016 summer)
    • 25. Seungun Lee (2016 summer)
    • 26. Yeaji Kim (2016 summer and fall)
    • 27. Sangyoung Lee (2017 winter)
    • 28. Heejun Jang (2017 winter & spring), went to KIST as Research Assistant
    • 29. Jungha Lee (2017 summer), went to graduate school (Seoul National Univ.)
    • 30. Seunghyun Wang (2017 summer), went to graduate school (KAIST)
    • 31. Dong-Min Yang (2017 fall)
    • 32. Doo-Hee Lee (2017 fall)
    • 33. Suk-Jae Han (2018 winter)
    • 34. Ji-Eun Han (2018 winter)
    • 35. Yuri Ko (2018 spring)
    • 36. Sung-Woo Kim (2018 spring)
    • 37. Woosung Kwon (2018 summer)
    • 38. Soyun Kong (2018 summer)
    • 39. Hojeong Keum (2018 summer and fall)
    • 40. Sungjun Lim (2018 summer and fall)
    • 41. Jiyoon Lee (2018 summer and fall)
    • 42. Ilseok Choi(2019 winter, spring, summer and fall, 2020 winter, spring)
    • 43. Junik Park (2019 winter)
    • 44. Lee Yoo (2019 winter & spring)
    • 45. Yeonwha Kim (2019 winter & spring)
    • 46. Sohee Kim (2019 spring)
    • 47. Juseong Lee (2019 spring)
    • 48. Junyoung Yang (2019 spring & summer)
    • 49. Junyoung Ma (2019 summer, 2020 winter, summer, fall, 2021 winter)
    • 50. Dayun Jung (2019 summer)
    • 51. Hanjoon Kim (2019 summer, 2021 winter)
    • 52. Hyungjin Kim (2020 winter, spring)
    • 53. Sujin Hyun (2020 winter)
    • 54. Hyuki Lee (2020 winter)
    • 55. Donghwan Lee (2020 winter)
    • 56. Jun Hyung Cha (2020 spring, summer)
    • 57. Jiwon Yu (2020 summer, 2021 Spring, summer)
    • 58. Dong Seok Kim (2020 summer)
    • 59. Donggeun Lee (2020 summer)
    • 60. Sehun Ahn (2020 summer, 2021 winter, spring, summer, 2022 winter)
    • 61. Jiho Kim (2020 summer)
    • 62. Euijung Seong (2020 fall, 2021 spring, summer)
    • 63. Junhan Kim (2021 winter & spring)
    • 64. Suyong Choi (2021 winter)
    • 65. Sujin Pyeon (2021 Spring)
    • 66. Hyeon Hee Ji (2021 Spring)
    • 67. Semin Kim (2021 Summer)
    • 68. Su Hwan Kim (2021 Summer)
    • 69. Yongbin Kim (2021 Summer)
    • 70. Nan Park (2021 Summer)
    • 71. Hoyong Jung (2021 Summer)
    • 72. Ingyeong Koh (2021 Summer)
    • 73. Jongbin Jeong (2022 Winter)
    • 74. Sungchul Yang (2022 Winter, Spring, Summer)
    • 75. Hyojung Lee (2022 Winter, Spring)
    • 76. Jun Hyeong Kim (2022 Winter, Spring)
    • 77. Young Ji Roh (2022 Spring, Summer)
    • 78. Geon Koh (2022 Spring, Summer)
    • 79. Hayoung Kang (2022 Summer, 2023 Spring)
    • 80. Won Jong Kim (2022 Summer, Fall, 2023 Winter)
    • 81. Christian Lee (2022 Summer)
    • 82. Je Yun Kang (2022 Summer)
    • 83. Sumin Lee (2022 Fall)
    • 84. Jungyeon Kim (2022 Fall, 2023 Winter)
    • 85. Seol Song (2023 Winter)
    • 86. Soyeon Kim (2023 Summer)
    • 87. Sieun Park (2023 Summer)
    • 88. Gunhyeong Lee (2023 Summer)
    • 89. Yunseo Han (2023 Summer)
    • 90. Jae Hyun Kim (2023 Summer)
    • 91. Jeong-min Seo (2023 Summer)
    • 92. Yerin Kim (2023 Fall, 2024 Winter)
    • 93. Sang Min Park (2024 Winter)
    • 94. Minsun Seo (2024 Winter)
    • 95. Jaeryun Sim (2024 Winter)
    • 96. Sun Min Lim (2024 Winter)
    • 97. Yurim Jung (2024 Spring, Summer)
    • 98. Hae Been Lee (2024 Spring, Summer)
    • 99. Zunu An (2024 Summer, Fall, 2025 Winter)
    • 100. Se Bin Lim (2024 Summer, Fall, 2025 Winter)
    • 101. Sang Min Yoon (2024 Summer)
    • 102. Yena Kim (2024 Summer)
    • 103. Kang Eon Lee (2024 Fall)
    • 104. Soyoon Park (2025 Winter)
    • 105. Sojung Lee (2025 Winter)
    • 106. Leanne Ma (2025 Winter)
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